The Floods of 2007
A village is at its best when everyone works together and in recent years the people of Shiptonthorpe have shown their spirit on more than one occasion.
Perhaps the best example was in 2007, when the East Riding was hit by floods.
It led to the formation of the Riparian Owners Action Group who fought relentlessly for help (financial and physical) to implement improvements to the waterway to make sure this terrible event could never happen again. With financial support from the Parish Council and help from local businesses and individuals, the work was successfully completed. We were also very lucky to be awarded grants of £5,000 fron East Riding of Yorkshire Council and £10,000 from the National Lottery.
The driving force behind the Group was resident and later Parish Councillor Doran Curley. Sadly, Doran passed away soon after, but her efforts on behalf of her neighbours will long be remembered.
The ROAG is being reinstated following Doran’s untimely passing – please see the agenda for the meeting on 10th September here
The Parish Council, while not the planning authority (that duty lies with the East Riding of Yorkshire Council) is keen to maintain a traditional streetscene in Shiptonthorpe and indeed many of our properties are governed by the conditions of a Conservation Order.
The Parish Council has, generally, funds set aside to support locally-based leisure and sporting organisations and is always willing to consider applications for grant assistance. Our funds are not substantial but sometimes even a small amount can really help.
For more information, contact the Clerk to the Council.