Good News Announcement – Village Hall Lease Renewal October 2023

Good News Announcement

At last the Village Hall Lease has completed the legalities and the trustees of both charities are pleased with the outcome, securing the future of the Village Hall for the community, for the foreseeable future.
Now just the formalities and subject to ratification by the trustees of each charity, in the case of the Parish Charity following the open meeting on the 12th October and at the Village Hall Management Committee meeting on the 17th October, this will be proposed for resolution at the Parish Council meeting of the 19th October.

After overcoming a number of obstacles along the way, we are nearly at the finish line. Special thanks to the VHMC and Shiptonthorpe Charity Trustees plus the team at the Parish Council lead by Councillor Gough (Village Hall portfolio holder).

After all is signed and sealed it is intended to hold a celebration evening to which all residents will be invited plus special guests who have helped reach this wonderful conclusion, we will advise in due course of detailed intentions and dates etc.

Victor Lambert
Chairman Shiptonthorpe Parish Council

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